Meet Dr. KC Rickerd, 
Physical Therapist PT DPT

Hi all, I'm so glad you're here! 

I’m KC, pediatric physical therapist, wife, mom of three, and the founder of both Milestones & Motherhood, LLC and Journey Through Milestones PT.

For almost 10 years, I have worked in pediatrics as first a physical therapist assistant, and then a doctor of physical therapy specializing in the evaluation and treatment of children and young adults with a wide variety of diagnoses and abilities.  

I started Milestones & Motherhood and Journey Through Milestones PT because of my passion for development & empowering caregivers and children when it comes to navigating gross motor development. I realized how hard it was for new parents and caregivers to find information on motor development- things like what to expect at each stage, how to help encourage mastery of skills in one, how to play purposefully and set the environment up for success, and when things may be worth bringing to your pediatrician’s attention!

Our mission for the next chapter of Journey Through Milestones PT,  is that each & every family that works with us leaves feeling encouraged, empowered, and EXCITED about your child’s development. That includes knowing what to expect AND  how to support them- we want you to ENJOY your child, and leave that stress in the dust, so let’s get started!

At Journey through Milestones Physical Therapy, you’ll find one-of-a-kind support including:

Individualized Physical Therapy Services

Evaluations, Re-evaluations, Individual treatment sessions & plans

Intensive Physical Therapy Programs

Offered in 2, 4 and 6 week formats

Individual & Small Group Developmental Supports

1:1 Developmental Chats, Milestone Caregiver & Baby Small Group Classes  *In person & Virtual Options Available 

If you are unsure of whether physical therapy versus a developmental screening is best to address your concerns, please email and we can assist you in determining the best next steps for your little one!

Our Location

20 Boniface Drive, Pine Bush NY 12566